International Journal of Research in Psychiatry

2021, Vol. 1, Issue 2, Part A

Assessment of mood disorders among general population
Trent Suzak
Backgrounds: Mood disorders in older people are an increasingly serious health and social problem, and their prevalence increases with age. The present study assessed mood disorders among general population.
Materials and Methods: 128 adults with mood disorders of both genders were included. Mood Disorder Questionnaire (MDQ) was used for the study.
Results: Out of 128 patients, males were 70 and females were 58. Mood disorders were depressive disorders in 64, bipolar disorders in 40 and substance induced in 24 patients. The difference was significant (P< 0.05). MDQ score below 7 value was seen in 74 and 7 or more in 54 patients. The difference was significant (P< 0.05).
Conclusion: Most commonly occurring mood disorder was depressive disorder and bipolar disorder.
Pages: 05-07 | Views: 907 | Downloads: 432

International Journal of Research in Psychiatry
How to cite this article:
Trent Suzak. Assessment of mood disorders among general population. Int J Res Psychiatry 2021;1(2):05-07.
International Journal of Research in Psychiatry

International Journal of Research in Psychiatry

International Journal of Research in Psychiatry
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