International Journal of Research in Psychiatry

2022, Vol. 2, Issue 1, Part A

Impact of internet pornography on body shame among emerging adults
Dr. Virendra Pratap Yadav and Geena Thaploo
Due to accessibility, affordability and growth in the past decade, internet pornography appears to be influencing emerging adults. That is, sexual expectations, desires, body image, sexual esteem and other behaviours are likely to be impacted by the consumption of internet pornography. This quantitative study was followed to explore the gender difference and impact of online sexual screening on body shame. The sample consisted of total 100 students including 50 male and 50 female students) in the range of 18 to 25 years of age studying in different institutes of Delhi NCR region. Participants were assessed on two scales: Internet sex screening test by Delmonico (1997) and the Objectified Body Consciousness Scale (OBCS): Body shame by McKinley and Hyde (1996). Data was analysed with the help of SPSS, using descriptive as well as inferential statistics. To analyse gender difference independent sample t-test was carried out, whereas to explore the relationship between the online sexual behaviour and body shame, correlation was tested. Simple liner analysis was used to identify the impact of online sexual behaviour on body shame A significant gender difference was observed with regard to online sexual behaviour (Internet sexual screening) and body shame. Results also exhibited that body shame was predicted by internet sex screening that explained 9% of the variance. Males had more significant impact of sexual behaviour on internet on body shame It was also evident from the study that sexual behaviour on internet was positively associated with body shame.
Pages: 01-05 | Views: 1027 | Downloads: 558

International Journal of Research in Psychiatry
How to cite this article:
Dr. Virendra Pratap Yadav, Geena Thaploo. Impact of internet pornography on body shame among emerging adults. Int J Res Psychiatry 2022;2(1):01-05.
International Journal of Research in Psychiatry

International Journal of Research in Psychiatry

International Journal of Research in Psychiatry
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