AbstractIntroduction: Cannabis, also known as Marijuana has a long history of human use. The common terms for preparation include Charas (resin) Ganja (flower) and Bhang (seeds and leaves).Knowledge and awareness regarding psychoactive substances or drugs, which include licit and illicit drugs, other than which are medically indicated and its effects are still less, easy access to drugs at certain places, and other factors contribute to substance addiction. The National Survey on Extent, Pattern and Trends of Drug Use in India also found Cannabis to be the most common illicit substance of use in the country.
Aims and Objectives: Various studies indicating that cannabis is associated with various psychiatric disorders despite which is a controversy existing regarding the legalisation of cannabis by all the promoters and consumers of the substance. Our objective was to find out the knowledge and awareness among medical students and Engioneering students towards the effects and experiences with the consumption of cannabis.
Materials and Methods: It was a crossâ€sectional study done among medical students and Engineering students, who are assessed using a structured and validated instrument, Marijuana Effect Expectancy Questionnaireâ€Brief (MEEQâ€B) questionnaire.
Results: A total of 200 students were participated in this study. All the students belongs to either Engineering (or) Medical profession in Khammam. There were 75 engineering students and 125 Medical students. 90 females and 110 male students, out of 200, 134 were single and 66 were married i.e. 67% were single and 33% were married. Majority i.e. 31% of both groups strongly agree about the cognitive impairment effects of cannabis. Only 9% of both groups strongly disagreed to the statement that marijuana helps a person relax and feel less tense. 32% of both groups strongly agreed to the social and sexual facilitation effect of cannabis. Interestingly 76.9/ has come from the students regarding craving and physical effects.
Conclusion: According to my study, medical students has more knowledge towards the effects of cannabis compared to engineer students.Male students of both groups have slightly more edge regarding effects of cannabis compared to female students. Married persons have less knowledge compared to single students as there may be change in their perception.