International Journal of Research in Psychiatry

2024, Vol. 4, Issue 1, Part A

Study of major depression among elderly patients attending three primary health care centers in Baghdad city
Ammar Fadhil Ibrahem, Ammar Musameh Ali and Ammar Fawzi Jabbar
Background: Depression is the most common psychiatric disorder among old age people and it’s detection and treatment is a matter of skill. The study's goal is to assess depression in older primary care patients in Baghdad. To determine if depression is linked to age, gender, marital status, economic situation, or physical ailment.
Method: A cross-sectional research of 178 senior patients aged 65 and older was undertaken to investigate depression prevalence. Eight individuals were removed owing to interview rejection. The remaining 170 patients consented and completed the questionnaire.ICD-10 checklist criteria are used to diagnose severe depression based on patient reports or physician confirmation.
Results: In a study of 170 elderly patients aged 65-80 in Baghdad, a 35.3% prevalence of major depression was found, with higher rates in females (47.6%) than males (23.3%), and among the divorced, widowed, or separated (56.3%) compared to married individuals (25.4%). Depression was more prevalent in those of low socioeconomic status (55%) and those with chronic physical illnesses (50%).
Conclusion: One third of primary health care older patients has significant depressive disorder, although none have been diagnosed by general practitioners. Gender, marital status, socioeconomic position, and physical ailment are connected with depression.
Pages: 12-15 | Views: 155 | Downloads: 49

International Journal of Research in Psychiatry
How to cite this article:
Ammar Fadhil Ibrahem, Ammar Musameh Ali, Ammar Fawzi Jabbar. Study of major depression among elderly patients attending three primary health care centers in Baghdad city. Int J Res Psychiatry 2024;4(1):12-15. DOI: 10.22271/27891623.2024.v4.i1a.47
International Journal of Research in Psychiatry

International Journal of Research in Psychiatry

International Journal of Research in Psychiatry
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